Executive Director Update: June 2023

Dear Valley Charter Community,

It is hard to believe that the 22-23 school year has come to a close. It has been wonderful that this year we were able to operate in a more typical context than the past few years and that we have been able to bring back the key elements of the Valley Charter mission and vision to each of our schools. 

Up until the last minute this year, our students were reading, writing, presenting, PBLing and having a ton of fun! A few end of year highlights at VCES include the culmination of the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade math Pokemon challenge, the 3rd grade solar system musical, the 2nd grade “Who am I?” presentation, the kindergarten end of year culmination and potluck, and  the faculty vs. 5th grade kickball game!  A few end of year highlights at VCMS include the 8th grade dance, the realistic fiction unit in each of the ELA classes, a math PBL where students built a carnival game based on probabilities, the 7th grade culminating essay: “Is history a story of progress or oppression?”,  and the last day of school activities which included advisory games, a campus-wide scavenger hunt, yearbook signing and council sessions.  To close out the school year,  VCMS spent the last hour together as a whole school community at our Van Nuys site with a final community meeting. 

We had beautiful culminations for our 5th and 8th graders this past week. As always, it is a bittersweet to say goodbye to our students but we are comforted in knowing they have been well-prepared for their next steps and ready to be communicators, collaborators, critical thinkers and advocates, in the Valley Charter way! 

Focus group for cell phone policy at VCMS

Please  join a family focus group for cell phone policy at VCMS on July 14th at 9am. Please use this link to join. We will also send an email reminder out closer to the date. 

Summer connections

We like to create touchpoints for our students and families to connect over the summer. Please visit this page on our website for all of the summer playdate (VCES)  and hangout (VCMS)  information. 

Important dates for the 23-24 school year 

August 7th- Look out for back to school communications this week

August 14th, 2023 – VCES meet the teachers’ event

August 15th 2023- VCMS orientation for all grades

August 17th – First day of school for all VCS students! 

You can also find this information here

Here is a link to the SY 23/24 VCS calendar. 

Here is the approved calendar for the SY 23-23 VCS Board of Directors’ Meetings.

We hope each of our students has a fun-filled and safe summer!


Carolyn & the VCS team 

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